Beauty In The Breakdown

Non Fiction

Beth Childress – Author and writer in Greenville SC

I had secrets…so many secrets…and they were corroding my inner being. Who can live in so much shame that you are constantly hiding behind the masks you construct; masks that start as a mere screen to defuse your inner pain, then they grow thicker until you have no idea who you really are. Every day then becomes a masquerade.

Find the courage and strength to step outside of your own hideaways and read Beauty in the Breakdown today!


Beth Childress

Beth Childress, a native of Greenville, South Carolina, is a high school teacher, a far too loyal and obnoxious Clemson University football fan and the author of her first book, A Grief Uncorked.
She is also a proud parent of her adopted cat, Peeks.

Other Books

Beauty in the Breakdown

This book is about hope – real hope – not only for me but also for you, drawing from a mentor of mine whose insights and discernment about mental health – and humans – reach far beyond the offers
of any antidepressant, hot yoga class, cognitive behavior therapy, and/or counselor.

A Grief Uncorked

My dad was my true North, he was my rock and the person who gave me the courage to be who I wanted to be. When he died unexpectedly, I was still a teenager and refused to face it…for 28 years. This book is a product of the joy, the heart ache, the laughter and the tears that poured out of me when I finally was able to grieve for the loss of my father. Reading this book will not only help you understand the indescribable mysteries and secrets to grieving but will also help you know how one man illuminated the world around him. His unique, quirky effervescence seemed to impact everyone he encountered. I believe his influences on me and others will impact you as well when you read this book. That said, I now introduce you to Bill Childress my father and my true North. Prepare to be changed.

Drafting a new book soon…

I am always writing and working on new creative ideas for short stories, books and blogs. Stay tuned!


I could not put this book down. Vulnerable, raw, real, hopeful, heartbreaking and honest. READ THIS BOOK! If it’s not about you, it’s about someone next to you.



In her book Beauty in the Breakdown, Beth’s writing style reminds me of Donald Miller’s Blue Like Jazz.



Like giving light to the blind, Beth has given those that are afraid to speak out a voice of chance and change.


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